White Wagtail


Bengali: à¦¸াদা খঞ্জনা  

Scientific Name: Motacilla alba
IUCN: Least Concern
Description: It is a medium sized wagtail with pied plumage, black-backed races, white foreheads, and different wing patterns. As many as six subspecies may be present in the wintering ground in India or Southeast Asia and here they can be difficult to distinguish. breeding plumaged males can be identified to subspecies as follows:

Black-Backed Races:
(a) alboides: black-ear coverts.
(b) lucopsis: white-ear coverts.

Grey-Backed Races:
(a) dukhunensis: white-ear coverts, black chin and black throat.
(b) baicalensis: white-ear coverts, black chin and black throat.
(c) personata: black-ear coverts.
(d) ocularis: black eye-stripe.

Food: Terrestrial and aquatic insects and other small invertebrates form the major part of their diet.

Habitat: In winters near water in open country and breeds by running waters in open country in hills and mountains.

Distribution: Distributed in Europe, Asia, Africa continent. It also breeds in the mountains of Morocco and western Alaska.