Geographical Glossary


Glossary of Geography Related to Ornithology


§  Adaptation Modification of living organism over time that allow them to function better in their environment

§  Agriculture Practice of farming including cultivation and livestock production

§  Agroforestry Combination of timer production and agriculture on the same land

§  Association Group of plants with similar growing requirements


§  Backburning Bushfire preventive technique

§  Backwater Area of still water created by and impediment to drainage i.e. sediment bar across an ox-bow lake

§  Biodegradable Material capable of decomposed e.g. wood

§  Biodiversity The genetic variety of life forms and their ecosystems

§  Broadleaf forests Vegetation formation composed principally of trees, including shrub and bushes understory, where broadleaf species predominated

§  Bushfire Wildlife burning through bushland


§  Cable logging Method of extracting timber or wood using stationary machine system from felling site to a log landing area. It is also referred to as skyline logging

§  Canopy The uppermost level of foliage formed by the branches and leaves of a tree

§  Captive Carbon Once CO₂ used by the plants it will stored until it decomposed

§  Carbon Sequestration The process of capturing and storing the atmospheric carbon dioxide

§  Clearfelling Removal of all trees from an area for harvesting (logging)

§  Clearing Process by which vegetation such as trees and bushes permanently removed for agricultural, urban or industrial developments

§  Cone Fruit of coniferous trees that contain seeds of the plant

§  Conifers Cone-bearing seed plants

§  Conservation Care, protection and management of natural resources

§  Coppice It is forest crop raised from shoots produced from the cut stumps from the previous crops

§  Coupe An area which is felled and regenerated in a particular year

§  Crown Top of tree

§  Cypress Pine forest It is a mixed forest where at least one species of pine and one species of cypress are present


§  DBH Diameter at breast height, standard method of expressing the diameter of the trunk or bole of a standing tree

§  Deciduous Plants that shed their leaves annually/ leaves falling off at maturity

§  Decomposer An organism that decomposes or breaks down

§  Deforestation Clearing of forest area

§  Dicotyledons One of the two sub classes of flowering plants

§  Dieback Death of trees from environmental stresses, such as pest attack, fungal disease, increasing of soil salinity and human induced changes


§  ESFM Ecological Sustainable Forest Management, guiding philosophy for forest conservation and management

§  Ecosystem Consists of a community of organisms together with their physical environment. Contains biotic or living parts as well as abiotic factors or non-living parts

§  Ecotourism Ecologically sustainable nature-based tourism

§  Epicormic Growth It is the growth of new shoots from epicormic buds that lie dormant beneath the bark until triggered by a fire event. Example Eucalyptus, Corymbia, Angophora etc.

§  Eucalyptus Is a genus of plants, over 700 species

§  Exotic Newly introduced species, which is not origin in the newly introduced country


§  Farm forestry Commercial tree growing by farmers on their own land

§  Fauna The animal life of a region

§  Feller buncher A type of motorized vehicles used by harvester in logging

§  Feral animal Belong to domesticated species like cats, horses, pigs, but live in wild

§  Fire regime It is the pattern, frequency and intensity of the bushfire and wildfire that occur in a particular ecosystem over an extended period of time

§  Flitch A slab of timber cut from a tree trunk, usually from the outside

§  Flora Plant life in region

§  Forest A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth

§  Forester A professional who is involved in the science of managing forests

§  Fuel load Total amount of combustible materials in a defined space


§  Genus A taxonomic category ranking below a family and above a species and designating a group that are closely related through common decent

§  GIS Geographic Information System, is a framework for gathering, mapping and analyzing data

§  Global warming Is the term used to describe the rise in global surface temperature due to green-house gas

§  Greenhouse effect The process by which an atmosphere holds heat around a plant

§  Greenhouse gas Atmospheric gas that enhance the greenhouse effect, like CO₂, Methane, CFC, Nitrous Oxide, Ozone and Water vapor

§  Gymnosperms Non-flowering plants. Seeds enclosed in a cone.


§  Habitat The place or environment where plants and animals naturally lives and grows

§  Harvesting The process of removal of entire plants or economic parts after maturity

§  Hazard reduction burning Controlled or prescribed burn


§  Integrated harvesting Removal of more product from a forest at the same time

§  Inventory Make a complete list of product of survey that assesses a resource


§  Joint venture in agroforestry Where farmer provides land and routine maintenance and investor or forest provides tree, expertise and marketing opportunities


§  Land capability Ability of a land surface to support natural plant growth/ wildlife habitat or artificial crop growth/ human habitat

§  Leaf A green organ of a plant above the ground, which helps in the photosynthesis and gas exchange

§  Leaf litter Mixture of fallen and dead plant material in the forest

§  Lignin Organic carbon compound found in the cell wall of plants

§  Lignotuber The swollen growth at the base of the many trees

§  Log Landing Area where cutting logs are loading on trucks

§  Logging Process of cutting down trees for wood


§  Mallee A scrubland vegetation primarily composed with woody shrubs and trees of Eucalyptus genus

§  Monocotyledons Seeds with single cotyledons

§  Monoculture Cultivation of single crops


§  National Park Use for conservational purposes, created and protected by the National Government

§  Natural resources Materials that are obtained from the earth naturally without any actions of humankind


§  Old growth forest That has attained great age without significant disturbance and thereby exhibits unique ecological features and might be classified as climax community

§  Open forest All lands with tree canopy density of 10% and more but less than 40%

§  Open woodland All lands with tree canopy density less than 10%

§  Overmature trees Ceased to grow or no more commercial value


§  Parasites An organism that lives in or on another organism

§  Phloem Tissues in plants that conduct food made in the leaves to all other parts of the plant

§  Photosynthesis The process by which green plants and certain organisms transform light energy into chemical energy

§  Pine An evergreen coniferous tree

§  Pinus radiata A fast growing coniferous tree, also known as Radiate pine

§  Plantation A forest established by humankind through planting seeds of exotic and native species

§  Pruning  In horticulture, removal of certain parts of plant, tree and vine that are not requisite to grow or production

§  Pulp Wood fiber processed to make paper 


§  Quota Annual allocation of timber (must meet the specific size and other criteria by the forest


§  Radiata pine Also known as Pinus radiata

§  Rainforest Is an area of tall evergreen forest with high amount of rainfall

§  Reforestation The process of replanting an area with trees

§  Regeneration The process by which some organisms replace or restore lost or amputated body parts

§  RFAs Regional Forest Agreements

§  Regrowth Renewed growth or expansion

§  Remnant vegetation Bushland

§  Renewable Natural resources Renewable energy

§  Resource Material required where stock that can be drawn on. It may be renewable or non-renewable

§  Restoration Act of restore something to its original state

§  Root A part of a vascular plant that is normally underground

§  Rotation In agricultural, Cycle of harvesting

§  Runoff More water than land can absorb


§  Salvage logging Post fire logging

§  Sawlog A felled tree trunk suitable for cutting up into timber

§  Seed Reproductive part of plant from which a new plant can grow

§  Seed orchard Collection of seed producing trees

§  Selective logging Cutting down few species of trees while leaving the rest intact or unharmed

§  Shrub Woody plants smaller than tree

§  Silviculture Branch of forestry which deals with the establishment, development, care and reproduction of stands of timber

§  Skidder Heavy vehicle used in logging operation

§  Stand A group of upright trees

§  Stem Part of plant, which supports leaf, flower and fruit

§  Subtropical forest Type of rain forest in between tropics and temperate geographic region

§  SFM Sustainable Forest Management

§  Sustainable Yield Amount of trees removed from the forest equal to the amount of trees naturally replace by the forest


§  Thinning Removal of some plants or parts of plants, to make room for growth others

§  Threatened species Which are vulnerable to endangerment in near future

§  Timber Wood prepared for using in building and carpentry

§  TCM Total Catchment Management, Coordinated and integrated management of natural resources

§  Tree A wooden perennial plant that has wooden trunk and branches that grow from its upper part


§  Understorey A layer of vegetation beneath the main canopy of a forest

§  Urban forestry The care and management pf tree populations in urban settings for the purpose of improving the urban environment


§  Value-added Increased value of forest product as a result of processing which have higher quality and high monetary value

§  Visual protection Strip of forest where harvesting of forest products is minimized in order to maintain views and visual aspects, usually along roadways and scenic lookouts


§  Wilderness Wild and uncultivated region, as of forest or desert, inhibited by wild animals

§  Wildlife corridor Also called Green corridors, which are bridges, tunnels or sometimes just land off-limits to humans where animals can roam without interference

§  Woodland Just another name for a forest with an open canopy


§  Xylem Transport water from root to stems and leaves but it also transport nutrients


§  Yield An amount produced of an agricultural or industrial products