Dark-Breasted Rosefinch

Bengali:  à¦²ালবুক টুটি

Scientific Name: Carpodacus  Nipalensis

IUCN: Least Concern

Descriptions: Male: overall very dark with dark red  breast-band and long thin slender bill. Forehead, supercilium, throat and belly are bright pink. Female: lacks supercilium, has unstreaked underparts, diffusely streaked mantle, buffish wing-bars, and tips to tertials and olive-brown rump and uppertail coverts.
Food: Diet poorly known, mostly small seeds and berries. Sometimes blosson, nectar and pollen.

Food:  Mostly small seeds and berries, also takes blossom, pollen and nectar.

Habitat: Its natural habitats are boreal forests and subtropical and tropical high altitude shrubland. Breeds in high altitude shrubland.

Distribution: resident in Himalayas, also found in Nepal, Bhutan, China, Mayanmar, Pakistan, Thiland and Vietnam.