Importance of Birds

      In these earth where we live, is governed by the law of natural world which consist of wetland, rainforest, scrubland, backyard. There is an intangible relations between sustainable species. In our ecosystem there are different species which have some designated biological roles which is very important for biodiversity. It is a part of the balance of the nature. In our ecological systems birds have critical role. Without birds, our health, economy, food production are endangered. Birds provide some direct benefit to humans that we all generally forget to notice. Below are some important benefits :

1.     Seasonal Indicator: Ecology of Birds clearly indicates climate and global changes. Bird’s are ecologists favorite tool, because of habitat change and they are easy to census. Information about the inbound seasonal transition can be done using observation of their behavior and migration pattern. Some indicator listed below:

·         Jacobin’s Cuckoos during the advent of pre-monsoon indicates a spell monsoon showers across India is around the corner.

·         Hawks flying high means a clear sky. When they fly low, prepare for a blow.

·         Geese fly higher in fair weather than in foul.

·         When seagulls fly inland, expect a storm.

·         When fowls roost in daytime, expect rain.

·         Petrels gathering under the stern of a ship indicates bad weather.

·         Birds singing in the rain indicates fair weather approaching.

·         If crows fly in pairs, expect fine weather; a crow flying alone is a sign of foul weather.

·         The whiteness of a goose’s breastbone indicates the kind of winter: A red of dark-spotted bone means a cold and stormy winter; few or light-colored spots mean a mild winter.

·         Partridges drumming in the fall means a mild and open winter.

·         When domestic geese walk east and fly west, expect cold weather.

·         If birds in the autumn grow tame, the winter will be too cold for game.

·         When the rooster goes crowing to bed, he will rise with watery head.

·         When the swallow’s nest is high, the summer is very dry. When the swallow buildeth low, you can safely reap and sow.


2.    Pollination: Birds are very important pollinators of wildflowers throughout the world. Ornithophily is the term used for pollination carried out by the birds as they move from one flower to another. Some are the below listed birds which acts as important roles in pollination;

·         In India - Sunbird, Oriental White-Eye and Warblers are key in wildflower pollination

·         In the US - Hummingbirds are key in wildflower pollination.

·         In Hawaii – Honeycreepers are important pollinators.

·         In Australia – Honeyeaters are important pollinators.

·         In New Guinea – Brush-Tongued Parrots serve as tropical pollen vector.

3.    Decomposers: Decomposition is the process by which dead organic substances are broken down into simple organic and inorganic matter. Organisms that do this are known as decomposers. Some certain species of birds are playing important role as a decomposers i.e. Vultures, Kites, Magpies and Crows, they are also known as nature cleanup crew. They consume carcasses within hours and plays an important role in our ecological systems. Without these decomposers, we would be far susceptible to contagious infections from decaying carcasses.

4.     Seed Propagation: Birds that eat fruits and seeds help carry the seeds of these fruits and plants through their excreta. So when the birds drop their excreta, these transported seeds then can grow in various locations and chance to grow in more favorable conditions. A lot of plants and trees are dependent on birds to seed propagation. Sparrow, Munia, Dove, parakeets, Toucan, Flowerpeckers, Nutcrackers, Woodpeckers etc. are the example of seed dispersal.

5.    Pest Control: Bird acts as an important role in pest control. Birds in their glide, consumes hundreds of insects, many of which are considered as pests. Bird feeds insects and their larva also and to play a critical role in reducing and maintaining populations of insects in our environment.

6.    Healthy Life: Bird watching is often diversion from the pressures of our daily life-style. Most seven therapeutic benefits of birdwatching are:

·         The great outdoor : Getting out fresh air that is grat for mind, body and soul. As per researchers 10 minutes outside can significantly improve the health of those living with dementia. Getting outside also great sourcing of Vitamin D.

·         Connect with family and friends : when you go for birdwatching and can help close bond, because of great talking point and discussion.

·         Time for calm : Recent studies suggests that spending time around nature can be a great way to combat stress and relax. Reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

·         Keeping the mind active and healthy : Peoples suffering from dementia , activities that involve visual aids can often help recall memories. Additionally, repetition can often be reassuring someone with cognitive impairment.

·         Providing a change of scenery : Short trip for birdwatching provide a change of scenery that help those suffering from dementia.

·         Connecting with nature : Spending time in nature can have some incredibly positive effects on our mental health. Hearing birdsongs, recall memories from younger years and connecting with the nature can be an invaluable reminiscence activity.

·         Physical benefit : Not only does birdwatching encourage people to get out into their local community and explore the nearby parks but it can also some physical benefits like older people healthy and slow the progression of dementia symptoms. Some physical benefits are:

Ø  Quick Reflections

Ø  Good Mental Alertness

Ø  Healthy Cardiovascular System

Ø  Good Sense of Community

Ø  Good Acceptance Power

Ø  Good Traveller

7.    Encourage Tourism: Many hotspots across the country are becoming increasingly popular for birdwatching, people from different parts of the world come for birdwatching and because of that tourism industries are growing immensely. This surge in tourism has generated the much-needed income within the communities of these remote areas.