Types of Feet


Different types of Feet

 Birds have different types of leg and feet depending on their habitat where they live.

1.     Grasping and Striking prey: Raptors are birds of prey like Eagle, Hawks, Falcons Their toes are sharp, powerful claws called talons, for catching foods. Raptors usually have three talons forward and one talons backward (Hallux), this arrangement is known as raptorial.  But in case of owls they can rotate one of their forward pointing toes to back.

2.    Swimming or Webbed feet: Water bird like Ducks, Geese, Swans all have webbed feet. Primary use is paddling through water. There are two different types of webbed feet:

I)            Palmate: 'Palmate' means open hand or palm. Some birds like Gul, Mallard, Northern Pintail have webbing between three of their toes. Fourth toe does not help in paddling in the water. This type of feet is called palmate.

II)         Totipalmate: 'Toti' means total and 'Palmate' means open hand or palm. Some birds like Cormorant have webbing between all four toes is called totipalmate.

3.    Perching: Small songbirds are called perching birds or passerines. They have three toes pointed forward and one toe pointed backward. This arrangement is called anisodactyl.

4.    Wading: Some water bird prefer to swim and some of them prefer to wade through shallow water. As a habitational behavior they have long toes to match their long legs. Like passerines and raptors they have three toes pointing toward front and one toward back. For example Cranes, Herons, Sandpipers, Egret etc. all are wading birds.

5.    Climbing: Some birds prefer to climb up-down and vice-versa on the tree. They can do that with their specially toe arrangement i.e. two tows pointed forward and two toes pointed backward, this arrangement is called zygodactyl. For example Woodpeckers, Nuthatch etc.

Below are the some examples of feet:

1. Grasping : Eagle, Kite, Vulture, Owl 

2. Swimming : Ducks, Pelican, Cormorant

3. Perching : Sparrow, Crow, Bulbul

4. Wading : Heron, Jacana, Sandpiper, Plover

5. Climbing : Parrot, Woodpecker, Nuthatch

6. Clinging : Swifts, Humming-birds

7. Scratching : Fowl, Quail, Pheasant, Hen

8. Running : Bustard, Cassowary, Ostrich