Bird Watching Rules

 Some Points to Remember when doing Bird Watching

  • Be patient.
  • Respect the privacy of others.
  • Respect the natural environment.
  • Take care not to disturb either the birds or any animals in its habitat.
  • Walk softly on the land.
  • Keep moto vehicle restricted on the road or parking area.
  • Avoid harassments to the wild animals.
  • Do not disturb birds and their nesting area. Stay long from their nesting area.
  • Do not handle eggs or the young birds. Stay away from it. Undue disturbance may cause the bird to abandon its nest and young or even kill the young inadvertently in an attempt to escape.
  • Small groups cause less disturbance and noise. So always make sure for smaller groups.
  • Leave no litter and trash. Ingested items can kill.
  • Support Local and National Bird Conservation Program.
  • Avoid brightly colored clothes. Always try to use camouflage clothes.
  • Do not chase Birds for photography.
  • Keep quiet.