Birds Glossary


§  Aberrant Abnormal or Unusual

§  Accidental Vagrant

§  Adult Mature or Capable of Breeding

§  Aerial Making use of the open sky

§  Allopatric Relating to two or more related species whose range do not overlap

§  Altitudinal migrant Moving between high mountains and lower foothills, especially breeding higher in the mountains and wintering lower down

§  Altricial Blind and helpless when hatched

§  Apical Outer extremities, particularly of the tail

§  Aquatic Living on or in water

§  Arboreal Living in trees

§  Arm The base of the wing from the carpal joint to where it joins the body, especially used in describing the seabirds and birds of prey.

§  Ashy Greyish Color

§  Avian Pertaining to birds

§  Avifauna The community of birds found in a given region

§  Axillaries Underwing feathers at the base of the wings, forming ‘armpits’


§  Back Loosely applied to the mantle scapulars and rump

§  Bamboo Plant family related to grasses but usually thick woody stems

§  Banyan Type of fig tree

§  Bare Parts Those parts bird not covered with fathers

§  Barring Sideway’ lines such as on tail or breast

§  Basal Relate to the base, particularly of the tail or bill

§  Bheel Shallow lake or wetland

§  Biosphere The part of earth that is inhabited by life

§  Biotope Area of uniform environmental conditions and inhabited by a particular flora and fauna

§  Bird Wave Mixed flocks or mixed hunting party

§  Bristles Sensory feathers near beak

§  Brood Young hatched from a single clutch

§  Brood Parasitism Depositing of eggs by one species in the nest of an another

§  Buff A very pale yellow-brownish color

§  Bulrushes Perennial grass like herbs with thick triangular stems found in the marsh area

§  Bund Man-made mud embankment


§  Canopy Leafy foliage of treetops

§  Cap Upper part of head

§  Carpal Bend of a closed wing, sometimes called shoulder

§  Casque An extension of upper side of the bill, especially growth above bill of hornbills

§  Cere Patch of bare fleshy skin on upper base of bill of raptors

§  Cheek Area on the sides of head, below the eye or on ear coverts

§  Chevrons V-shaped contrasting marks on wings or bands across breast

§  Cinnamon Light yellowish-brown color

§  Clutch Complete set of eggs laid by a single female

§  Collar Distinctive band of color that encircles or partly encircles the neck

§  Colonial Roosting or nesting in groups

§  Confiding Not shy

§  Conspecific Belongs to the same species

§  Commensal Living together with man for mutual benefit

§  Corvid Bird of the crow family

§  Coverts Small feathers covering wings and base of tail

§  Covey Small group, usually applied to the 'Game' birds

§  Crepuscular Active during the twilight of dusk and dawn

§  Crest Extended feathers on head

§  Crop Pouch-like enlargement of gullet in some birds where food is partially digested

§  Crown Upper part of head

§  Crown-stripe Distinct line from forehead along centre of crow

§  Cryptic Hidden - having protective coloring and/ or behavior

§  Culmen Ridge on upper mandible of bill

§  Cursorial Ground running


§  Deciduous Trees that shed their leaves annually

§  Decurved Curving downwards

§  Diagnostic Sufficient to identify a species or subspecies

§  Dimorphic(Dichromatic) Having two distinct plumage types, usually relate to gender

§  Disjunct Completely separated, usually referring to distribution range

§  Distal Part feather away from the body

§  Diurnal Active during daytime

§  Down Small soft feathers close to body of chicks

§  Drake Male duck

§  Drumming Rhythmic territorial hammering on trees by woodpeckers

§  Duar The Eastern part of the terai from West Bengal eastwards


§  Ear-coverts Feathers covering the ear opening. Often distinctly colored

§  Ear tufts Feathers protruding near ears

§  Echolocate Navigate by sound

§  Eclipse Plumage New dull post breeding plumage, especially in ducks

§  Endemic Restricted to given country or region

§  Endangered Species facing high risk of extinction

Epiphyte A plant which grows on another plant

§  Eurasian Of both Europe and Asia

§  Evergreen Forests that always have leaves

§  Eye-ring Contrasting ring around the eye

§  Eye-stripe Stripe through eye

§  Extinct No longer in existence

§  Extirpated Locally extinct

§  Extralimital Not existing in the region


§  Facial Disc Heart shaped arrangement of feathers as in some owls and harriers

§  Facies Subdivision of region or biotope

§  Fallow Cultivated land after cultivation and before ploughing

§  Family Specified group of genera

§  Forage Search for food

§  Ferruginous Rusty-brown color

§  Feral Domestic species but have escaped, and living and breeding in the wild

§  Filoplume Hair-like feathers like in breeding egrets

§  First-winter Plumage Plumage worn by a bird in the winter of its first calendar year

§  Flank Side of body

§  Fledged Having just acquired feathers and ready to leave nest

§  Fledglings Young birds which have just acquired feathers

§  Flight feathers Primary and secondary wing feathers

§  Flushed When disturbed into flight at close quarters

§  Foreneck The lower throat

§  Form Sub-species

§  Frons Forehead  

§  Frugivorous Fruit-eating

§  Fulvous Brownish-yellow


§  Game birds Pheasants, partridges and allied species

§  Gape Basal part of the beak (mainly for young birds and raptors)

§  Genera Plural of genus

§  Genus Group of closely related species

§  Ghats Hills parallel to the east and west coast of India

§  Gonydeal  Related to the gonys

§  Gonys The angle of the bottom edge of the lower mandible, especially in case of Gulls and Terns

§  Gorget A band (with color) across the throat or upper breast

§  Granivorous Grain or seed eating

§  Gregarious Associating in communities or flocks

§  Gular On or of the throat

§  Gular pouch Loose area of skin extending from throat as in pelicans and hornbills

§  Gular stripe Narrow and often dark stripe down the centre of throat

§  Guttural From the throat


§  Hand The outer part of the wing from the carpal joint to the wing-tip, basically describing the seabirds and the birds of prey

§  Hackles Long and pointed neck feathers

§  Hawking Catching insects in flight

§  Hepatic Rust or liver colored (reddish-brown morph) plumage phase, mainly in female cuckoos

§  Hood Dark-colored head and throat

§  Hunting party Group of birds usually of different species, seeking food

§  Hybridization Cross-breeding between two different species


§  Immature Plumage phases prior to adult

§  Incubate Giving warmth for eggs to hatch

§  Iris Colored eye membrane surrounding pupil

§  Irruption Mass movement of a population from one place to another


§  Jheel Shallow lake or wetland

§  Jizz Essence or striking characteristics of a species

§  Juvenile Immature bird immediately after leaving nest


§  Lamellae Small stiff comb-like membrane on inner edge of bill used for sieving food

§  Lantana Invasive aggressive shrub with small pink, red and white flowers, introduced from tropical America, which spread uncontrollably, replacing the native undergrowth throughout large parts of the subcontinent

§  Leading edge Front edge of wing

§  Lek Sociable courtship gatherings

§  Littoral Pertaining to the sea-shore

§  Lobe Fleshy extensions to side-edges of toes of some birds

§  Local Unevenly distributed with a region

§  Loranthus Parasitical bush that grows on tress, such as mistletoe, the fruits of which are much loved  by flowerpeckers

§  Lores Area between eye and bill base

§  Lump Treatment of one or more forms previously treated as distinct species as race of a single species


§  Malar Stripe on side of throat

§  Mandible One of the two parts that form the bill, which are upper mandible and lower mandible

§  Mangrove Coastal salt-resistant trees or bushes

§  Mantle Back, between wings

§  Mask Dark plumage round eye and ear-coverts

§  Melanistic A individual bird which looks like more dark due to the excessive pigment of melanin in the plumage

§  Mesial Stripe Central throat stripe, found on some raptors

§  Migration Seasonal movement between distant places

§  Mirror White spots in wing-tips, mainly of gulls

§  Monotypic Of a single form with no subspecies

§  Montane Pertaining to mountains

§  Monsoon Rainy season in India

§  Morph One of several distinct types of plumage in the same species

§  Moult Seasonal shedding of plumage


§  Nail Hook on tip of upper mandible

§  Nape Back of neck

§  Nares Nostril openings

§  Near-endemic A species, whose majority of its range lies within the subcontinent

§  Necklace Narrow line round neck

§  Nictitating Membrane Transparent fold of skin forming a third eyelid

§  Nidicolous Chicks that remain in nests for a long duration after hatching

§  Nidifugous Chicks that leave the nests soon after hatching

§  Nidification Relating to nests or nesting

§  Nocturnal Active at night

§  Nomadic Species without specific territory except when breeding

§  Nominate First sub-species to be formally named

§  Non-passerine All order of birds except for Passerines

§  Notch Indentations in outline of feathers, wing or tail

§  Nuchal Of or on the nape

§  Nuchal Crest Crest along back of neck

§  Nullah Dry or wet stream bed or ditch

§  Nuptial Plumage Breeding plumage


§  Ocelli Brightly-colored ‘eye-like’ spots as on peacocks

§  Occipital Back of head

§  Oology Study of bird’s eggs

§  Orbital ring Narrow ring of skin or feathers round the eye

§  Order Group of related families


§  Paddy-fields Rice fields often flooded

§  Palearctic Old World and arctic zone

§  Parasitic Deriving sustenance or taking advantage of others, like cuckoos laying eggs in other bird’s nest

§  Passage migrant A species which occurs on migrant between its breeding grounds to the north and its wintering grounds to the south

§  Passerines Perching and song birds

§  Patagial A pale bar visible on the lesser under wing coverts parallel to, and between, the leading edge of the wing and the pale bar along the centre of the under wing coverts, especially in vultures 

§  Pectoral Breast area

§  Pelagic Ocean-going

§  Pellet Indigested material regurgitated by owls

§  Phase Color form of a species

§  Pied Black and white

§  Plumage Feathers of a bird

§  Plumes Long, showy feathers, acquired during the breeding season

§  Polyandrous Female having more than one mate i a single breeding seasons

§  Polygynous Male with more than one mate

§  Polymorphic Taking several forms

§  Postocular Area behind the eye

§  Precocial Young hatched sighted and down covered, e.g. ducklings

§  Predator Who feeds on other birds or animals

§  Primaries Outer flight feathers in wing

§  Proximal The part nearer to the body e.g. bill and tail


§  Race Signify sub-species

§  Rachis Central shaft of a feather

§  Range Geographical area or areas inhabited by a species

§  Raptors Birds of prey and Vultures, except owls

§  Record Published, or otherwise broadcast, occurrence

§  Rectrices Tail feathers

§  Remiges The primaries and secondaries combined

§  Rictal Around the bill

§  Resident Non-migratory and breeding in same place

§  Riparian Along creeks, streams, rivers and waterways

§  Roost Resting or sleeping space

§  Rufescent Inclining to redness

§  Rufous Reddish brown

§  Rump Lower back


§  Sal Dominant tree of North Indian forests

§  Sallies Short flights and returning to perch as in bee-eaters and flycatchers

§  Salt pans Shallow reservoirs for drying out salt

§  Savanna Open flat land with grass and scattered bushes

§  Sedentary Staying in the same area throughout the year

§  Scalloped Curved markings on edges of feathers

§  Scapulars Feathers along edge of mantle

§  Scrape Shallow depression made by birds to serve as nest

§  Scree A steeply sloping mass of loose stones and rocks

§  Secondaries Inner wing feathers

§  Sedentary Confined with a particular area

§  Shaft Central stem of a feather, often hidden

§  Shank Bare parts of a leg

§  Sholas Small forests in SW Indian valleys

§  Shoulder Where the wing meets the body

§  Shorebird Long-legged bird living near water

§  Skins Bird specimens prepared for scientific studies

§  Skulker Bird that mostly remains within vegetation cover

§  Slaty Dull bluish-grey

§  Soar Rising flight on still extending wings using thermals

§  Speculum Area of color on secondary feathers of wings

§  Streamers Long extensions to feathers, usually of tail

§  Spangles Distinctive white or shimmering spots in plumage

§  Species Groups of birds reproductively isolated from other such groups

§  Speculum Shiny, colorful patch on secondary feathers of the wing of some ducks

§  Storey Level of the tree or forest

§  Spur Sharp horny growth on legs of some birds

§  Straw Pale yellow color

§  Streaks Lengthwise’ lines on breasts or tail

§  Streamers Long extension of tail feathers

§  Striated Marked with fine streaks

§  Sooty Blackish Color

§  Sub-adult Immature moulting into adult plumage

§  Sub-montane Hills below highest mountains

§  Sub-song Subdued version of normal territorial song

§  Sub-species Distinct form that does not have specific status

§  Sub-terminal band Broad band on outer part of feather

§  Supercilia Plural of supercilium

§  Supercilium Streak above eye

§  Supraloral Above the lores

§  Symbiotic Interdependence between different species

§  Sympatric Refers to species occurring together in the same area i.e. ranges overlap


§  Tail Streamers Elongated ribbon-like tail feathers

§  Talons Strong sharp claws used to seize or kill prey

§  Tank Water reservoir

§  Tarsus Lower part of a bird’s legs

§  Tawny Yellowish-brown

§  Taxon Subdivision in the classification of organisms, e.g. species or race

§  Taxonomy Science of classifying organisms

§  Teak Dominant tree of South Indian forests

§  Terai Alluvial stretch of land south of the Himalayas

§  Terminal band Broad band on tip of feather or tail

§  Terrestrial Ground living

§  Tertials Innermost wing coverts, often covering secondaries

§  Totipalmate All four toes connected to a single web

§  Trailing edge Rear edge of wing

§  Trinomial System Scientific system of giving three latinized name of the bird population, where first name is the genus, second is the species and third is the sub-species

§  Trousers Loose feathering on the tibia of some birds


§  Underparts Under surface of a bird from throat to vent

§  Underwing Undersurface of a wing including the linings and flight feathers

§  Upperparts Upper surface of a bird including wings, back and tail

§  Upperstorey Canopy of a tree


§  Vagrant Accidental, irregular

§  Vent Undertail area

§  Ventral Undersurface of body

§  Vermiculations Wavy (worm-like) markings

§  Vinaceous Red wine colored warm pink

§  Vocal mimicry Imitating the sounds of other birds


§  Waders Shorebirds. Usually, the smaller, long-legged waterbirds

§  Washed Suffused with a particular color

§  Wattle Bare skin, often colored, on part of head

§  Web Skin stretched between toes

§  Wildfowl Ducks and geese

§  Wing-bar visible line of color at tip on wing coverts

§  Wing-coverts Small feathers on wing at base of primaries and secondaries

§  Wing-span Length from one wing tip to the other when fully extended

§  Winter plumage Plumage seen during the nonbreeding winter months


§  Zygodactylous Having two toes directed forward and two backward