Coppersmith Barbet


Bengali:  à¦¬à¦¸à¦¨্ত বৌরি

Scientific Name: Megalaima Haemacephala

IUCN: Least Concern

Descriptions: Most widespread and common barbet. It has green with red head, yellow cheeks and yellow throat, grey and black streaked underparts.

Food: Banyan, peepul and other wild figs, various berries and occasionally insects
Habitation: It inhabits in gardens, groves and spares woodland. Most important is dead wood which is suitable for excavation of nests.

Habitation:  is common in deciduous forests and open woodlands, countries with thickets, urban parks and gardens with fruiting trees. It is also found in mangroves' edges.

Distribution: Its ranges Indian-Subcontinent and South-East Asia.