Ferruginous Duck

Bengali:  à¦­ূঁতি হাঁস

Scientific Name: Aythya nyroca
IUCN: Near Threaten

Descriptions: Also called Ferruginous Pochard, Common White-Eye or White-Eyed pochard. Both male and female are dark brown or reddish-brown with white under-tail coverts. But males are brighter and more richly toned, appearing more reddish or with deep chestnut color head neck and breast, especially in bright sunlight. Females are darker and duller but may also seem reddish tinged in good light, while juveniles are dullest brown overall. White underwings and bellies. Adult males are distinctively white eyed, whereas females and juveniles have browner eyes which appear dark at any distance. Dome-shaped head and the longish bill is grey, becoming paler behind a black nail.

Food: They are omnivorous and feed on aquatic plants, invertebrates, insects, molluscs, crustaceans and small fish.

Habitat: Inhabit shallow wetlands with emergent and littoral vegetation. They occur in marshes, swamps, pools, ponds, mudflats, fish ponds, reedbeds and sheltered coastal habitats.

Distribution: Breeds in Baluchistan, Kashmir and Ladakh, widespread winter visitor.