Northern Pintail

Bengali: à¦²েঞ্জা হাঁস / à¦‰à¦¤্তুরে লেঞ্জা হাঁস /লেকালদিঘেড়ি

Scientific Name: Anas acuta
IUCN: Least Concern
Description: Longer neck and pointed tail, also noticeable in the flight. Male has a rich brown head with a white line running up the back of the neck from the breast. The body is gray above and on the flanks and the feet are gray. Female has a uniform buffish head. The female's body plumage is mottled tan with a dark brown back and body plumage, paler on belly. Slender grey bill.

Food: Mainly feed aquatic plants, worms, snails, crustaceans, aquatic insects, and grains.

Habitat:  open country near lakes, rivers, and wetlands dominated by low vegetation and small, shallow water bodies. It breeds on arctic tundra, and marshland and winters on bodies of water near agricultural land.

Distribution: Widespread across North America, Europe, and Asia, also widespread winter visitor in India