Red-Crested Pochard

Bengali: লালঝুঁটি ভুতিহাঁস

Scientific Name: Netta rufina
IUCN: Least Concern
Description: Large, square orange head, red bill and black breast. The flanks are white, the back brown, and the tail black. The female is mainly a pale brown, with a darker back and crown and a whitish face. Eclipse males are like females but with red iris and bills.

Food: They are omnivores, and they take aquatic vegetation supplemented by aquatic invertebrates, amphibians, small fishes.

Habitat: Breeding habitat is lowland marshes and lakes. They also inhabit deep fresh or brackish water bodies. They occur in reed-fringed lakes, rivers, lagoons, estuaries, rivers, streams and sheltered coastal habitats.

Distribution:  Scattered across North Africa, Europe, and Asia.


Bengali: গেওয়ালা বাটান

Scientific Name: Calidris pugnax
IUCN: Least Concern
Description: It is a medium sized wading bird with long neck, lack prominent supercilium, small head, short and slightly downcurved bill, strongly patterned back, white sides to upper tail coverts, white lower back absent. Long yellowish and orange legs.

Food: They are omnivores, and they feed on both invertebrates and seeds or berries. They eat flies, frogs, small fish, beetles, snails, spiders, worms, and more.

Habitat: During the breeding season they utilize marshes and flooded grasslands or meadows. They also inhabit scrubland, wetlands, and estuaries or deltas. These birds also live in flooded pastures and farms, and one of their favorite habitats are rice paddies.

Distribution:  It breeds in marshes and wet meadows across northern Eurasia. This highly gregarious sandpiper is migratory and sometimes forms huge flocks in its winter grounds, which include southern and western Europe, Africa, southern Asia and Australia.

White Wagtail


Bengali: সাদা খঞ্জনা  

Scientific Name: Motacilla alba
IUCN: Least Concern
Description: It is a medium sized wagtail with pied plumage, black-backed races, white foreheads, and different wing patterns. As many as six subspecies may be present in the wintering ground in India or Southeast Asia and here they can be difficult to distinguish. breeding plumaged males can be identified to subspecies as follows:

Black-Backed Races:
(a) alboides: black-ear coverts.
(b) lucopsis: white-ear coverts.

Grey-Backed Races:
(a) dukhunensis: white-ear coverts, black chin and black throat.
(b) baicalensis: white-ear coverts, black chin and black throat.
(c) personata: black-ear coverts.
(d) ocularis: black eye-stripe.

Food: Terrestrial and aquatic insects and other small invertebrates form the major part of their diet.

Habitat: In winters near water in open country and breeds by running waters in open country in hills and mountains.

Distribution: Distributed in Europe, Asia, Africa continent. It also breeds in the mountains of Morocco and western Alaska.



Bengali: মাছমুরাল 

Scientific Name: Pandion haliaetus
IUCN: Least Concern
Description: Also known as Fish Hawk, Sea Hawk or River Hawk. Long wings, short tail, upperparts are a deep, glossy brown, while the breast is white and sometimes streaked with brown, and the underparts are pure white. The head is white with a dark mask across the eyes, black bill

Food: They eats almost exclusively live fish.  Occasionally, the osprey may feed on rodents, frogs and other birds.

Habitat: Rivers, lakes, coast. Found near water, either fresh or salt, where large numbers of fish are present. May be most common around major coastal estuaries and salt marshes, but also regular around large lakes, reservoirs, rivers.

Distribution: It is found in temperate and tropical regions of all continents, except Antarctica.

Little Ringed Plover


Bengali: ছোট নথজিরিয়া

Scientific Name: Charadrius dubius
IUCN: Least Concern
Description: It is a small plover with  grey-brown back and wings, a white belly and a white breast with one black neckband. They have a brown cap, a white forehead, a black mask around the eyes with striking yellow eye-ring and a short dark bill. Legs are dull pink-yellow. Does not show wing bar in flight.

Food: They eat insects and worms.

Habitat: Breeds on stony substrates around lakes, gravel pits, and along rivers; migrants occur in wide variety of fresh and brackish wetland habitats, but rarely out on open tidal areas.

Distribution: Distributed in Europe, central Asia, Middle East, central Africa, Indian subcontinent and southeast Asia. 

Greater Painted Snipe and Ruddy-Breasted Crake

Purple Rumped Sunbird


Purple Rumped Sunbird (Male)
Purple Rumped Sunbird (Female)

Bengali: মৌটুসী পাখি

Scientific Name: Leptocoma zeylonica
IUCN: Least Concern
Description: The males have a dark maroon upper-side with a blue-green crown that glistens at some angles, bright green shoulder patch and violet/purple rump patch which is generally hidden under the wings. The underparts are whitish with dark throat, maroon breast band and purple/violet patch in the throat which is visible in some angles. The iris is generally reddish in color. The female has a white throat followed by yellowish breast. The upper-side is olive or brownish. The upper-tail coverts are black and a weak supercilium may be visible. 

Food: Mainly feed on nectar; however, they will also take insects, especially when feeding young.

Habitat: They are found in various habitats with trees, including scrub and cultivated land. However, they typically avoid dense forests.

Distribution: It is occur naturally in southern India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Intermediate Egret


Bengali: মাঝ্লা বগা

Scientific Name: Ardea intermedia

IUCN: Least Concern
Description: Medium white heron, yellow bill with black tipped and dark feet. Yellow irises and pale yellow lores.

Food:  It eats fish, frogs, crustaceans and insects.

Habitat: Shallow coastal or fresh water, including flooded fields.

Distribution: It is a resident breeder from east Africa across the Indian subcontinent to Southeast Asia and Australia.

Asian Open-Bill Stork

Bengali: শামুকখোল / শামুকভাঙ্গা

Scientific Name: Anastomus oscitans

IUCN: Least Concern

Description: It is greyish or white with glossy black wings and tail and the adults have a gap between the dull grayish yellow bill.

Food: Feeds mainly on large molluscs, especially Pila species, and they separate the shell from the body of the snail using the tip of the beak.

Habitat: Shallow marshes, flooded agricultural fields, and lakes.

Distribution: Very rare in the Sind and Punjab regions of Pakistan, but widespread and common in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia. It has recently expanded its range into southwestern China.

Eurasian Coot / Common Coot

Those in Front of Ferruginous Duck

Bengali:  জল কুক্কুট 

Scientific Name:  Fulica atra
IUCN: Least Concern

Descriptions: The adult birds have slaty-black body, a glossy black head and a white bill with a white frontal shieldImmature duller than adult with whitish throat. Juvenile grey brown with whitish throat and breast. The legs are shorter and stronger when compared to other rail species and are greenish gray in color. 

Food: They eat the leaves, shoots, and stems of plants and love to pull up underwater weeds.

HabitatCommon on lakes, reservoirs, and slow-moving watercourses, in fresh and brackish marshes, and occasionally on saltwater.

Distribution: It is found in Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and parts of North Africa.


Northern Pintail

Bengali: লেঞ্জা হাঁস / উত্তুরে লেঞ্জা হাঁস /লেকালদিঘেড়ি

Scientific Name: Anas acuta
IUCN: Least Concern
Description: Longer neck and pointed tail, also noticeable in the flight. Male has a rich brown head with a white line running up the back of the neck from the breast. The body is gray above and on the flanks and the feet are gray. Female has a uniform buffish head. The female's body plumage is mottled tan with a dark brown back and body plumage, paler on belly. Slender grey bill.

Food: Mainly feed aquatic plants, worms, snails, crustaceans, aquatic insects, and grains.

Habitat:  open country near lakes, rivers, and wetlands dominated by low vegetation and small, shallow water bodies. It breeds on arctic tundra, and marshland and winters on bodies of water near agricultural land.

Distribution: Widespread across North America, Europe, and Asia, also widespread winter visitor in India


Ferruginous Duck

Bengali:  ভূঁতি হাঁস

Scientific Name: Aythya nyroca
IUCN: Near Threaten

Descriptions: Also called Ferruginous Pochard, Common White-Eye or White-Eyed pochard. Both male and female are dark brown or reddish-brown with white under-tail coverts. But males are brighter and more richly toned, appearing more reddish or with deep chestnut color head neck and breast, especially in bright sunlight. Females are darker and duller but may also seem reddish tinged in good light, while juveniles are dullest brown overall. White underwings and bellies. Adult males are distinctively white eyed, whereas females and juveniles have browner eyes which appear dark at any distance. Dome-shaped head and the longish bill is grey, becoming paler behind a black nail.

Food: They are omnivorous and feed on aquatic plants, invertebrates, insects, molluscs, crustaceans and small fish.

Habitat: Inhabit shallow wetlands with emergent and littoral vegetation. They occur in marshes, swamps, pools, ponds, mudflats, fish ponds, reedbeds and sheltered coastal habitats.

Distribution: Breeds in Baluchistan, Kashmir and Ladakh, widespread winter visitor.


Jungle Babbler


Bengali:  সাত ভাই ছাতারে

Scientific Name: Turdoides striata
IUCN: Least Concern

Descriptions: This familiar ash-brown colored babbler has a yellow bill and a dark brow in front of the eye that contrasts with its pale eye giving it a perpetual “angry” look. It has vague streaking on the upperparts, diffuse mottling on its throat, and barring on its tail.

Food: They consume grains, insects, termites and fruits (a rare component) as feed constituents.

Habitat: Typically in open woodlands, shaded gardens and parks, scrub, edges of forests and cultivation.

Distribution: Its ranges most parts of Indian-Subcontinent.

Painted Stork

Bengali: সোনা জংঘা  

Scientific Name: Mycteria leucocephala

IUCN: Near Threatened 

This large stork has a heavy yellow beak with a down-curved tip that gives it a resemblance to an ibis. The head of the adult is bare and orange or reddish in colour. The long tertials are tipped in bright pink and at rest they extend over the back and rump.

Food: Painted storks are carnivores. Generally takes small fish, but also crustaceans, amphibians, insects, and reptiles. They also take frogs and occasionally snakes.

Habitat: Freshwater wetlands in all seasons, but also use irrigation canals and crop fields, particularly flooded rice fields during the monsoon.

The painted stork is widely distributed over the plains of Asia. They are found south of the Himalayan ranges and are bounded on the west by the Indus River system where they are rare and extend eastwards into Southeast Asia. They are absent from very dry or desert regions, dense forests and the higher hill regions.

Fulvous-Breasted Woodpecker

Bengali: বাতাবি কাঠঠোকরা,  পাকড়া কাঠঠোকরা

Scientific Name: Dendrocopos macei

IUCN: Least Concern

Description: Medium-sized woodpecker with stained yellowish-brown underparts. Note white barring on back and thin stripes down the neck and chest. Male has an all-red crown, female an all-black one.

Food: It takes ants, insects, larvae, berries and fruits as food.

Habitation: Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forestsubtropical or tropical moist lowland forest, and subtropical or tropical moist montane forest.

Distribution: It is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India and Myanmar.

Common Hill Myna

Bengali: ময়না, পাহাড়ি ময়না

Scientific Name: Gracula religiosa

IUCN: Least Concern

Description: Glossy black myna with bright yellow head wattles. Also note bright candlewax-orange bill and white wing patches that are most apparent in flight.

Food: Generally an arboreal frugivore, but also includes nectar, insects, and lizards in its diet. Figs are eaten most frequently, followed by berries and seeds from a variety of trees and shrubs.

Habitat: Inhabiting most of the jungles, evergreen, and wet deciduous forests in its range.

Distribution: This starling family of birds found in southern Asia and introduced to Florida in the United States.

Taiga Flycatcher

তাইগা চুটকি

Scientific Name: Ficedula albicilla

IUCN: Least Concern
The taiga flycatcher or red-throated flycatcher is a migratory bird.
Description: Small brown flycatcher with a sharply contrasting black-and-white tail. Breeding male has an orange throat patch surrounded by a faint gray wash. Non-breeding male has darker flanks and far less orange on the throat. Female is cold brown above and dirty-white below.

Food: They feed by taking insects in flight and caterpillars from among oak leaves. They also eats berries.

Habitat: Deciduous woodland near water.

Distribution: It breeds in northern Eurasia from eastern Russia to Siberia and Mongolia. It is a winter visitor to South and South-east Asia in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Vietnam, and Japan. Its natural habitat is taiga forest. It is a rare vagrant to western Europe.

Purple Rumped Sunbird