White-Throated Kingfisher or White-Breasted Kingfisher

Bengali: à¦¸াদা বুক মাছরাঙা / à¦§à¦²াগলা মাছরাঙা

Scientific Name: Halcyon smyrnensis
IUCN: Least Concern
Description: Thick, reddish-orange bills, red legs, and its head, shoulders, flanks and lower belly are chestnut. A brilliant white patch can be found on the throat and sometimes at the breast. The wings and the tail are bright blue with white patches on the primaries and black distal tips. In flight, large white patches are visible on the blue and black wings.

Food: This species are carnivorous, mainly hunts large crustaceans, insects, earthworms, rodents, snakes, fish and frogs. Predation of small birds such as the Oriental White-eye, chick of a sparrows and munias have been reported.

Habitat: They are common in agricultural areas, swamps, marshes, near ponds, lakes, in parklands and in mangrove swamps.

Distribution:  Widely distributed in Asia from the Sinai east through the Indian subcontinent to the Philippines.