Dark-Breasted Rosefinch

Bengali:  লালবুক টুটি

Scientific Name: Carpodacus  Nipalensis

IUCN: Least Concern

Descriptions: Male: overall very dark with dark red  breast-band and long thin slender bill. Forehead, supercilium, throat and belly are bright pink. Female: lacks supercilium, has unstreaked underparts, diffusely streaked mantle, buffish wing-bars, and tips to tertials and olive-brown rump and uppertail coverts.
Food: Diet poorly known, mostly small seeds and berries. Sometimes blosson, nectar and pollen.

Food:  Mostly small seeds and berries, also takes blossom, pollen and nectar.

Habitat: Its natural habitats are boreal forests and subtropical and tropical high altitude shrubland. Breeds in high altitude shrubland.

Distribution: resident in Himalayas, also found in Nepal, Bhutan, China, Mayanmar, Pakistan, Thiland and Vietnam.

Jungle Owlet


Bengali:  ছোটো কালপেঁচা

Scientific Name: Glaucidium Radiatum

IUCN: Least Concern

Descriptions: Contrasting rusty color of barring on primaries and secondaries, barring on upperparts narrowly spaced, barring below usually extend to include flanks and belly.

Food: Mainly Insects, small rodents,, Locusts, Grasshopper, Lizard, Snake, Frogs, Bird Eggs. 

Habitat: Open tropical and Sub-tropical forests.

Distribution: Found South of Himalayas and some parts of Himalayas an elevation up-to 2000m. East to Bhutan.

Himalayan Bluetail/ Orange-Flanked Bush Robin

Bengali:  হিমালয় ঝোপশ্যামা

Scientific Name: Tarsiger Rufilatus

IUCN: Least Concern

Descriptions: Similar in size and weight like common redstart. White throat, orange flanks, blue tail. Male has blue upperparts and breast sides. female has olive brown upper parts and breast sides.

Food: Insects, Spiders and Other small invertebrates in breeding seasons. They also feeds berries and seeds especially outside of the breeding seasons.

Habitat: Mixed conifer forest during breeding seasons. Often found in areas of old-growth spruce forests.

Distribution: Breeds in Himalayas and in winters South to NE hills.


Coppersmith Barbet


Bengali:  বসন্ত বৌরি

Scientific Name: Megalaima Haemacephala

IUCN: Least Concern

Descriptions: Most widespread and common barbet. It has green with red head, yellow cheeks and yellow throat, grey and black streaked underparts.

Food: Banyan, peepul and other wild figs, various berries and occasionally insects
Habitation: It inhabits in gardens, groves and spares woodland. Most important is dead wood which is suitable for excavation of nests.

Habitation:  is common in deciduous forests and open woodlands, countries with thickets, urban parks and gardens with fruiting trees. It is also found in mangroves' edges.

Distribution: Its ranges Indian-Subcontinent and South-East Asia.

Asian-Barred Owlet


Bengali: খুঁড়ুলে পেঁচা 

Scientific Name: Glaucidium Cuculoides

IUCN: Least Concern

Descriptions: Lack contrasting rusty wing color, barring on upper parts more broadly spaced, barring on belly usually more broken, turning to streaking on lower flanks. Often waves tail from side to side. It has false eye spot the back of the head.

Food: Beetles, Grasshoppers and other large insects. Lizard, Mice and small birds also taken. Also observe Common Quail in the air Like Hawk.

Habitation: Its natural habitat is in temperate forests.

Distribution: Its ranges across North Central and Northeast India, Nepal, Bhutan, North Bangladesh and South-East Asia.

Blue-Throated Barbet


Bengali: নীলগলা বসন্তবৌরি, বড় বসন্ত বাউরিবড় বসন্ত বাওড়ী বা ধনিয়া পাখি

Scientific Name: Psilopogon Asiaticus

IUCN: Least Concern

Descriptions: It is an Asian Barbet with aqua blue face and throat with distinct red crown extending up-to the nape and yellow patches on the crown. Overall Green.

Food: Fruits and insects.

Habitation: Its natural habitat is in evergreen forest, deciduous forests, gardens, cities with fruiting trees.

Distribution: Its range includes the Himalayan foothills in Northeast and Eastern India and well wooded areas.