Blue Whistling Thrush

Bengali: à¦¨ীল শিসদামা

Scientific Name : Myophonus Caeruleus

Conservation Status : Least Concern

Description : Dark purple with tiny silvery spots on head, back, and wings. Bill color varies with range: dark in central and eastern China and parts of mainland Southeast Asia, bright yellow in populations elsewhere. Frequently fans tail while standing on an exposed perch such as a waterside rock or overhanging branch. True to its name, it does whistle: a long piercing note that carries well over the sound of rushing water.

Food : They feed on fruits, earthworms, insects, crabs and snails. Snails and crabs are typically battered on a rock before feeding. In captivity, they have been known to kill and eat mice and in the wild have been recorded preying on small birds.

Habitat :  In temperate forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests.

Distribution : They make altitudinal movements in the Himalayas, descending in winter.