Lineated Barbet

Bengali: à¦¦াগী বসন্তবৌরি, গোরখুদ, বেঘবৌ

Scientific Name: Psilopogon lineatus

IUCN: Least Concern

Descriptions: Luminous green barbet. Similar to Brown-headed Barbet and White-cheeked Barbet but bold white streaking on head and breast, large bare yellow eye patch, whitish chin and throat. Uniform unspotted wing coverts.

Food: They primarily feed on fruits, but will also eat a wide range of insects, such as ants, cicadas, dragonflies, crickets, locusts, beetles, moths and mantids.

Habitation: Moist broadleaved forest, open woodland and roadside avenues with fruiting trees.

Distribution: Distributed in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, southeast Asia and China.

Himalayan Monal

Bengali: à¦¹িমালয়ের মোনাল

Scientific Name: Lophophorus impejanus

IUCN: Least Concern
Description: It is a relatively large-sized pheasant. The adult male has multicolored plumage throughout, while the female, as in other pheasants, is dull in color. The male has a long distinctive metallic green crest, blue rump, coppery feathers on the back and neck, and a prominent white lower back that is most visible when the bird is in flight. The entire tail feathers of the male are cinnamon-rufous. The female has dark rump white upper-tail coverts, strongly demarcated white chin and throat pale streaking on under parts.

Food: They feed on various insects, seeds, tubers, roots, and berries.

Habitat: During the summer season, inhabiting open, grassy slopes. During winter, this bird moves towards lower level forests taking shelter in dense areas of bamboo and rhododendrons. (2500-5000ft)

Distribution: The Himalayan monal's native range extends from Afghanistan and Pakistan through the Himalayas in India, Nepal, southern Tibet, and Bhutan.

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